Ryslinge Efterskole
a different way of travel
For much of the past year, the world has been in and out of Lockdown.
COVID-19 has forced most of us to quarantine or stay at home. The world is changing, and we are in the middle of making history.
At Ryslinge, all the students are again not at school, they have had to go home and stay there. They have been asked to keep away from people they have been living with since August, people with whom they have built a community, people that have become friends, even family, for an unknown amount of time.
This is the second time it has happened. As before, we carry on with making school and community for each other, we continue... online.
We will not let this crisis get in the way of our spirit, community or fellowship.
Each time, when the annual trip to another country was cancelled, we decided to travel anyway. Not physically, just online. We took advantage of the situation and went, not only to one country... but to many different destinations.
This website is the final product that came from our visits to our new friends in April 2020 and January 2021.