We have made a video where we are researching the similarities and differences between the COVID-19 situation in Denmark and Italy.
Made by Hjalmar, Johanna, Victor H., Liva Kerdil, Albert S, Rebekka and Selma.

We have made a video about how it is to live in the corona pandemic. We wanted to have more countries, but unfortunately, we only got a video from Britain.
Made by: Oskar, Matilde, Lauge, Emilie, Aida, Tjalfe and Rasmus
We have made a small video about the difference between the rules in England and the rules in Denmark. In this video, you can see the difference between the number of people on the street in England and Denmark.
Made by Tobias Skipper, Hanna Freitag, Luca, Lærke Krag, Otto, Smilla and Gloria

We've re-written and recorded a song.
Our song is called "Stuck", and in the song we talk from a future perspective, where we look back at the Corona times.
Made by:
Nicolai, Kåre, Isabelle, Sebastian, Alma, Dea & Malthe