In group # 22 we have all drawn one drawing each.
All the drawings have a different meaning and symbolize something different.
We talked to school students from Belgium and France.
They told us how they felt during these times of isolation due to Covid-19.
We then chose to make a poster showing illustrations of their different feelings or opinions about what they are like.
There is a negative side and a positive side to keep in mind. Of course, it is a serious situation, but there may also be some good in it :)
By: Anna J, Miklos, Fie, Magnus, Milo & Chanella
We have made a poster with images from South Korea and Denmark comparing the two countries during the Covid-19 pandemic. This is to illustrate how the same situation can be handled in multiple ways when you are in two parts of the world.
Made by: Jeppe J, Freja Morelli, Astrid, Mikala and Sebastian S.